Coming out and living openly aren’t things we do just once. It’s a journey that LGBTQ people make every single day of our lives. With the Trump-Pence administration’s onslaught of attacks on our community, it’s as important as ever to recognize the power of coming out to ensure that our voices are heard — especially at the polls this November.

Every coming out experience is unique and must be navigated in the way most comfortable for each individual. Whether it's for the first time ever or the first time today, coming out can be hard -- but it’s also a brave and affirming decision to live openly and authentically.

Join Telling Queer History and the Tretter Collection to hear from featured storytellers about their coming out experiences, share your stories, and ask questions.

Featuring: Melissa Harl, Alfonso Wenker, Rocki Simões, and Quinn Villagomez.

Event format:
2:00-2:05 Music and opening slide as folks arrive
2:05-2:40 Intro and welcome
2:40-3:20 Storytellers (10 min each)
3:20-3:40 Interactive icebreaker and storytelling in breakout rooms
3:40-4:00 Closing
4:00-4:20 Fill out your absentee ballot, request a ballot, make a plan to vote in person, and/or contact friends to ask about their voting plan. Let's vote together!

RSVP IS REQUIRED via Eventbrite so we can send you a zoom link.

The featured storytellers will be recorded for Telling Queer History's archives and may be released as an audio podcast.

ASL interpreted and Captioned. All ages. Free to attend but donations appreciated.

Please contact us if you have any specific accessibility requests at

TELLING QUEER HISTORY is a series of storytelling gatherings that connect LGBTQ+ people across generations and identities, based in the Twin Cities of Minnesota.*

*Allies are welcome to join, listen and volunteer. Hearing our stories is a great way to be an ally, allowing and assisting us in having the space to tell our stories is a way to be an advocate. Thanks!

This event has been made possible in part by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the human endeavor. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this event, do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
