Join us for a workshop on end of life paperwork and preparation. Monday October 10th 6-7:30pm CST.

A natural part of the cycle of life, death is something we can anticipate. By preparing now, and keeping our paperwork updated, we can take care of our loved ones after our death. Led by four volunteer lawyers, we will get work on the things needed to protect you and your loved ones when you pass.

We will go over the three basics: a will, power of attorney, and health care directives. Bring your questions and let us know what your concerns are as you get your ticket so the lawyers can prepare in advance.

Substance free, family friendly, live captioned virtual event. Tickets are sliding scale/ pay-what-you-can ($0-$35).

Accessibility information: Please let us know if you need ASL interpretation for this event, we do not yet have that lined up.

Thank you to our volunteer attorneys:

Joshua Dorothy
Chris Tymchuck
Davis Senseman
Amy J. Rotering